Our Summer 2017 || Part One
I am working on a 100 days of summer project this year. Aiming to take 1 photo everyday this summer for 100 days. I started on Memorial Day and so far have mostly kept up with the shooting....still a little behind on editing though. My goal is to be able to print off a book of our summer once the project is completed. This is extra important to me as this is the last summer before my daughter starts kinder, so I'd love to have it documented. The 100 days will include her last day of preschool and likely her first day of kinder....if not, I'll just keep going until then! :)
Not that this surprises me, but I have a hard time choosing just one photo each day, so you'll likely see several images per day ;) Included in this first share is a video I made on day 6. It. Is. Rough!! I am working on a second video of that day as well and I will likely share it eventually as well.....if it turns out :) So with out further ado....here is Week 1 - Days 1-7/100